1. ISwR::IgM
    Immunoglobulin G
  2. ISwR::alkfos
    Alkaline phosphatase data
  3. ISwR::ashina
    Ashina's crossover trial
  4. ISwR::bcmort
    Breast cancer mortality
  5. ISwR::bp.obese
    Obesity and blood pressure
  6. ISwR::caesar.shoe
    Caesarean section and maternal shoe size
  7. ISwR::coking
    Coking data
  8. ISwR::cystfibr
    Cystic fibrosis lung function data
  9. ISwR::eba1977
    Lung cancer incidence in four Danish cities 1968-1971
  10. ISwR::energy
    Energy expenditure
  11. ISwR::ewrates
    Rates of lung and nasal cancer mortality, and total mortality.
  12. ISwR::fake.trypsin
    Trypsin by age groups
  13. ISwR::graft.vs.host
    Graft versus host disease
  14. ISwR::heart.rate
    Heart rates after enalaprilat
  15. ISwR::hellung
    Growth of Tetrahymena cells
  16. ISwR::intake
    Energy intake
  17. ISwR::juul
    Juul's IGF data
  18. ISwR::juul2
    Juul's IGF data, extended version
  19. ISwR::kfm
    Breast-feeding data
  20. ISwR::lung
    Methods for determining lung volume
  21. ISwR::malaria
    Malaria antibody data
  22. ISwR::melanom
    Survival after malignant melanoma
  23. ISwR::nickel
    Nickel smelters in South Wales
  24. ISwR::nickel.expand
    Nickel smelters in South Wales, expanded
  25. ISwR::philion
    Dose response data
  26. ISwR::react
    Tuberculin reactions
  27. ISwR::red.cell.folate
    Red cell folate data
  28. ISwR::rmr
    Resting metabolic rate
  29. ISwR::secher
    Birth weight and ultrasonography
  30. ISwR::secretin
    Secretin-induced blood glucose changes
  31. ISwR::stroke
    Estonian stroke data
  32. ISwR::tb.dilute
    Tuberculin dilution assay
  33. ISwR::thuesen
    Ventricular shortening velocity
  34. ISwR::tlc
    Total lung capacity
  35. ISwR::vitcap
    Vital capacity
  36. ISwR::vitcap2
    Vital capacity, full data set
  37. ISwR::wright
    Comparison of Wright peak-flow meters
  38. ISwR::zelazo
    Age at walking